A Lifetime of Persecution: A Testament to the Truth
A Lifetime of Persecution: A Testament to the Truth

I decided to write this article to address a particular aspect of the life of Joseph Smith. In particular, the many persecutions that Joseph Smith had to suffer through, and how his life is a testament to his truthfulness. I also wrote this article in response to the many critics of the Mormon faith who try to tear it down and the faith of those who believe in it.
The Search for Truth
In this day and age, the truth means a lot to people. We are always searching for the truth. Searching for purpose and meaning in life. Trying to find out which way is best. All that truth-seeking is hard, especially when there are those that are trying to tear down the faith of others, to dissuade them from making choices that may bring them happiness. When it comes to pure religion we don't have a right to tear someone's faith down. There is a reason why, and it is because, with most of Religion and the existence of an All-Powerful Entity, there is nothing that can be totally proven nor disproven scientifically and physically. So to all the Anti-Mormons and Anti-Religionists, I say stop trying!
There is a reason why Religion can't be proven or disproven, why God doesn't just show himself to the world, and the answer to all of that is because of the need for Faith.
A Lifetime of Faith

Some may be wondering why, Why does it have to be this way? If there is a God, why doesn't he just show himself? Wouldn't he get more people to obey him if we all knew 100% physically and scientifically that he was real? And the truth is that he wouldn't. It would actually make it worse. In this case, ignorance is bliss. If you knew 100% that God was real, then you would be held to a higher standard. The concept is: the more you know the more accountable you are. For instance, if someone accidentally does something bad without knowing it or knowing the full effects, the punishment is far less then someone who does it on purpose knowing the pain and suffering their actions will cause. Even though that may be true it doesn't change that fact that a bad thing is still bad. The reason we search for God, the reason why we learn more, is that while ignorance may make our punishments and guilt less in this life, ignorance also robs us of the potential blessings that can be achieved in righteous living.
There is another side to this and it is that with our actions based on faith we show God that we are not just doing things because we are told to or because we know that they are right, but because we wish to show our love to God. Our obedience is worth much more to him when we are obedient because of our faith. We believe that the rewards of Heaven will only come to those who choose to do the right things by exercising their faith in Jesus Christ, a being which they cannot see.
Joseph Smith

So you may be wondering what does this all have to do with Joseph Smith? One part is that just like the existence of God and the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, cannot be completely proven or disproven, the same goes for the reality that Joseph Smith was right and that he was a Prophet of God. I don't believe that God would allow these things to be either completely proven or disproven as that would do away with faith.
Some maybe be wondering why? Why can't it be proven or disproven? And the answer is there just isn't enough information. All we have are the records of the past, and records have been changed and forged throughout the ages. Some things have been proven because of the number of records made on a single event or other historical objects that prove the event to have transpired. But that's not the case with everything. You just have to realize that when it comes to Joseph Smith, faith is also required. It all comes down to that faith. We have things that lead us to believe or disbelieve and in the end we have to find what makes us believe. Maybe it is the fruits of Joseph Smiths actions nowadays, maybe it his actions at the time while he was alive, maybe both. Whatever the case, it is up to you to choose if you will believe or not. And if you don't believe, then don't try to tear those down who do. If something is false or evil it will be eventually found out as such, the same going for those things which are full of truth and righteousness. The Savior taught this very concept when he said:
"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." - Matthew 7:20
The fruits of Joseph Smith are vast and many. As millions of people that live today can attest to, that their lives have been blessed and that their testimonies of Jesus Christ have grown because of the choices Joseph Smith made.
A Lifetime of Persecution: A Testament to the Truth

When it comes to Joseph Smith there are lots of things that prove to me that he was Prophet of God or at least a Man of God. But the one thing I wish to talk about that critics seem to ignore is his suffering. If you know anything about the man then you know that he suffered from persecution constantly. His entire family and later congregation were constantly persecuted simply for their beliefs. From the day he stepped out of the Grove of Trees at the age of 14 when he declared that he had been visited by God, until the day he was murdered at age 38, he was persecuted and never once did he given in or stop standing for what he believed in and for what he knew to be true.
Out of all the incidents of persecution that occurred during his life, one in particular sticks out to me. It was in the middle of the night on *March 24, 1832, when Joseph Smith was forcefully dragged out of his house and into the street by an angry mob, he was beaten and stripped of his clothes, then the mob attempted to force a vile of poison down his throat as well as some tar, then they put tar all over his body and feathers after that. Then they left him in the street and he had to have his wife and friends peel off the tar from his body which took off skin and hair with it. The day afterward he taught in his congregation as he normally did, but he took the time to publicly forgive the men who had hurt him without mentioning their names, many of whom were listening to his sermon. Joseph Smith suffered many such persecutions in his life and never once did he retaliate or harm those who had harmed him. Never did he give in and tell these mobs what they wanted to hear. Never did he deny his faith or his personal knowledge.

To me, it is these actions that testify to his truthfulness. I would like to meet the man or woman who can say that they could go through all that he suffered while making up everything and not giving up. Because who can say that? I definitely couldn't. I couldn't go through everything he went through and not give up or tell those mobs whatever they wanted to hear unless I really was a Prophet of God and everything I had been telling people was true.
There are many critics of the Church both in the past and the present who claim that Joseph Smith was a con man and a treasure hunter and to those, I say how ridiculous that is. Neither the Church nor Joseph Smith gained any large amount of wealth during that time. Joseph Smith was poor his entire life and everyone knows that when a con doesn't work a con-man leaves and tries something else. If Joseph Smith had made up everything, as many critics believe, why would he have stayed with it all the way to his death? The answer is he wouldn't have. Despite all the persecutions he stuck to his story, held steadfast to his convictions, and forgave all who hurt him.
In the end, it is his life, character, and the persecutions he endured that are a testament to his truthfulness. Whether or not you decide to believe in him and the things he taught will be your choice, but for me after years of in-depth study, prayer, and faith, I choose to believe. Because in the end, if I am wrong I still gain much and did much good, and if I am right Eternal Life with God is within my grasp. It is far better to live righteously and be prepared for what might be, then to not be prepared. For woe is he that stands before God unprepared.
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." - Mathew 5:10
"Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." - John 20:29
*For more information on the night Joseph Smith was attacked visit: https://www.lds.org/manual/teachings-joseph-smith/chapter-19?lang=eng
For more information of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints visit: https://www.lds.org/?lang=eng & https://www.mormon.org/
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