A Lifetime of Persecution: A Testament to the Truth
A Lifetime of Persecution: A Testament to the Truth I decided to write this article to address a particular aspect of the life of Joseph Smith. In particular, the many persecutions that Joseph Smith had to suffer through, and how his life is a testament to his truthfulness. I also wrote this article in response to the many critics of the Mormon faith who try to tear it down and the faith of those who believe in it. The Search for Truth In this day and age, the truth means a lot to people. We are always searching for the truth. Searching for purpose and meaning in life. Trying to find out which way is best. All that truth-seeking is hard, especially when there are those that are trying to tear down the faith of others, to dissuade them from making choices that may bring them happiness. When it comes to pure religion we don't have a right to tear someone's faith down. There is a reason why, and it is because, with most of Religion and the existence of an...