Are Mormons Christians?
Are Mormons Christians?

One of the most commonly asked questions about the Mormon faith, and about Mormons in general, is the question "Are they Christians?" Despite the fact that the answer to the question is a very obvious one and the evidence overwhelming, it seems to continue to be one of the most common misunderstandings about the Mormon church.
The simple answer to that question is yes. Yes we are Christians and the Mormon church is a Christian church. But of course a simple yes or no answer is not enough and so begs the question "Can you prove it?" My answer to that is...absolutely! Lets look at 5 things that can do just that.
1. The Mormon Church has Christianity written all over it.
One of the easiest ways to tell whether or not a church is a Christian church is to look at its name. The Mormon church is, in fact, NOT actually called the Mormon church. Its true name is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
So, in fact, the Mormon church actually has the name of Jesus Christ in it and that alone should be an indicator. This is Christ's church, not the church of Mormon. The original use of the term Mormon church came from detractors in the 1800's. Nowadays members and others use the phrase Mormon Church because it's easier to say and because we are best known for our own book of scripture titled: The Book of Mormon.
2. Sabbath Day Worship Services

Like every other Christian church, the Mormon church has meetings every week for people--both members and non-members--to be able to come and worship God on the Sabbath. These Sabbath day worship services are always centered on Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and His Atonement. If that's not a Christian activity then I don't know what is. Of course if you don't want to take my word for it, I would encourage anyone and everyone to go to any of these Sabbath day meetings on any Sunday at any of our Church buildings and find out for yourself. I can promise that you will learn something relating to Jesus Christ and that the experience will uplift and inspire you to do good and to be more Christlike.
3. The Book of Mormon. Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Another way to know if we are Christians is to look into the Book of Mormon. You may have heard about the book before, maybe from a friend or maybe you saw the Book of Mormon play (Which has hardly nothing to do with the book and is not produced by the church.)
No matter how you may have heard about it, the point is that if you actually read the Book of Mormon you will find that it is completely centered on Jesus Christ and that it serves as another testament of his divinity comparable to the Bible. That fact and our love for the King James Version of the Bible is something that should testify that we are Christians and that we love God and strive to follow his Son Jesus Christ.
4. The Mormon Church's Websites

Another thing you can do to see if what I'm saying is correct is to go and visit the Mormon church's websites online. There are two main websites: and These two websites talk about what we believe and the importance of following Jesus Christ. I can promise that looking into those sites will show you how much we love Jesus Christ and seek to follow him as well as convince anyone that the Mormon church is indeed a Christian church.
5. Lastly Prayer. The Universal Path To Truth

So If you've attended our church services, read into the Book of Mormon, and visited the Church's websites and you still aren't convinced, then there's not much else you can do, but pray.
I love how we have the gift of prayer. The ability to be able to, at anytime, talk to God and in return receive loving counsel. Anyone regardless of race, gender, status or worthiness can pray to God and receive answers. The answers don't always come the way we expected or in an instant, but they do come always. God has promised us that, and I can attest to it, because I have received answers to my own prayers. So if it comes down to it, ask God whether or not we are Christian's and I promise you, he will answer.
So If Mormons are Christians then why do people say we're not?

I won't get into it too much because it's a long story, I'll try to keep it brief. The short answer is that our understanding and opinion on the Godhead differs from that of the rest of Christianity and because we believe differently we are considered not to be Christians.
To fully understand you need to know that the majority of Christianity believes in one particular doctrine that pertains to the Godhead. This understanding is something they all agree on and it is best known as the doctrine of the Trinity. This doctrine basically states that the Godhead--meaning God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit--are NOT three separate individuals or souls, but rather one soul and one being. This definition of God is derived from an old document known as the Nicene Creed, which was created in A.D. 325 by the council of Nicaea, in reference to some troubles they had as a result of people arguing with each other over the definition of God. For unknown reasons this doctrine was accepted by the rest of Christianity and still continues today as the prevailing definition of God. A definition which nearly every Christian church believes in and teaches.
In the end, because the Mormon Church doesn't follow the rest of Christianity in its particular understanding of the Godhead, as well as other doctrines, we are treated as though we are not Christians. The conclusion of some being that because we see the Godhead differently we somehow don't believe in the same Jesus Christ that suffered for our sins and died on the cross. Yet we do believe in that same Jesus Christ, we just understand him differently. Just because we understand him differently doesn't mean that we don't strive every day to become more like Him, because we do. We love the Savior and seek to follow all of His sacred counsel.
Conclusion: My Personal Experience

I've lived my whole life as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and have spent hundreds of hours studying not only the teachings and doctrines of the Mormon Church, but of Christianity in general. Of course I don't know everything, but the countless hours I've spent searching, reading, and praying has led me to know many great and marvelous things pertaining to Christ and his gospel.
My experience has taught me not only that the Mormon Church is a Christian Church, but that it is God's Church. Such knowledge is something that can only be gained through a spiritual journey and the kind of journey that never truly ends.
I would like to invite everyone everywhere who reads my articles to begin such a journey yourself. If not for spiritual growth then purely for the gaining of knowledge. Because gaining pure knowledge and pure principles is the path that leads to greater freedom and growth of character.
My hope is that those who read this article will realize, if they already didn't know, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint's is indeed a Christian church and that it's devoted members are also Christians.
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